1. 1965 The Alabama Freedom March
  2. 1807 UK abolished Slave Trade
  3. 1929 U.S.A. Mini Market Crash
  4. 1957 Italy The Treaty of Rome
  5. 1967 U.S.A. Anti Vietnam War Demo
  6. 1975 Saudi Arabia King Faisal Assassinated

    1965 U.S.A. The Alabama Freedom March

    1965 : Following the end of the march by 25,000 civil rights supporters from Selma to Montgomery after four days and nights on the road under the protection of Army troops and federalized Alabama National Guardsmen. They were refused permission to give a petition to Governor Wallace which said:

    "We have come not only five days and 50 miles but we have come from three centuries of suffering and hardship. We have come to you, the Governor of Alabama, to declare that we must have our freedom NOW. We must have the right to vote; we must have equal protection of the law and an end to police brutality."

    1807 UK abolished Slave Trade

    1807 : The British House of Commons had passed a law forbidding the capture or transport of slaves and it became law on This Day, 1807, Offending captains were fined £100 per slave found on board their ships (although this could lead to slaves being thrown overboard).

    1911 New York Shirt Factory Fire

    1911 : 148 Girls Perish in a New York Shirt Factory when they became trapped by a fire. The Triangle Shirtwaist Co. factory located on the eighth, ninth and tenth floors of a New York City loft building, didn't have an outside fire escape.

    1920 Treaty of Versailles

    1920 : France considered the possibility of giving Germany more time to pay reparation debts that it owed after World War I. They had refused to pay the 12 billion of the 20 billion gold marks (equivalent to millions of dollars) balance owed. The motion to pay this debt was agreed upon as of the signing of the World War I Treaty of Versailles, which was first signed in 1919. However, the Germans resented the conditions of the treaty, and were still fighting the terms of it well over a year later. Eventually, Germany’s refusal to comply with the peace treaty signed in 1919 lead to the Second World War.